Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

disease of reproduction system of human

Sexually transmitted diseases. all sexually transmitted diseases infection originated dar.

sexual symptoms in men: 
-out in pimples filled with fluid, blisters or sores on the penis 
-cuts are not sick, and hard red 
-a wart or growth of meat such as chicken comb 
-great itching genitals during 
pain when urinating 
-gonorrhea or foul-smelling blood 
-losing weight drastically 
-swelling, heat and pain in the groin.
                                                                                                                                                                               symptoms in women
-pain or pain when urinating
-gonorrhea or foul-smelling blood
-pebgeluaran mucus in the vagina
-whitish frothy, greenish, foul smell and itchiness
-remitting blood stains after sex
                                                                                                                                                                           how to prevent or avoid 
-not have sex before marriage 
-faithful to their partners when they are married 
sex avoid unsafe 
-use a condom for prevention 
-genital hygiene
                                                                                                                                                                            various sexually transmitted diseases: 
                                                                                                                                                                         >>Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria spiroseta, Treponema pallidum. 

Transmission is usually through sexual contact, but there are some other examples of such direct contact and congenital syphilis (transmission through mother to child in the uterus). 

Symptoms and signs of syphilis many and different; before serologikal test development, the diagnosis is difficult and the disease is often called the "Great Duplicator" because it is often mistaken for other diseases. 
If untreated, syphilis can cause serious effects such as damage to the nervous system, heart, or brain. Untreated syphilis can be fatal. People who have exposed the possibility of syphilis or find a sex partner who may be affected by syphilis is recommended to immediately see a doctor as soon as possible. Syphilis can be treated with penicillin or other antibiotics. Another way is to give azithromycin capsules by mouth (has a long duration) and must be observed.                                                                                                                                                                                                     >>>>HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a retrovirus that infects cells of the human body's immune system - especially CD4 + T cells and macrophage, a vital component of the immune system of systems "host" - and destroy or damage their function. Of HIV infection causes rapid reduction of the immune system, which causes immune deficiency. HIV is the primary cause of AIDS. 
HIV is transmitted through sexual intercourse and oral sex, or through the anus, blood transfusions, sharing contaminated needles through drug injection and in health care, and between mothers and their babies during pregnancy, birth and lactation. UNAIDS transmission. The use of physical protection such as latex condoms are recommended to reduce transmission of HIV through sex. In recent years, suggested that circumcision can reduce the risk of spreading the HIV virus [3], but many experts believe that it is still too early to recommend male circumcision in order to prevent HIV [4]. HIV tests used to detect the presence of HIV in the blood plasma, saliva, or urine. Several tests can find HIV antibodies, antigens, or RNA. HIV antibody test is designed for routine diagnostic testing in adults. The test is cheap and very accurate.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     >> Chlamydia can affect men and women. However, when a woman has been infected with the chlamydia can cause Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) which can cause the woman becomes infertile (unable to have children). 

How chlamydia spread? 
Chlamydia spread by unprotected sex with an infected person. Maybe you can not see whether someone has been infected or not because many people infected show no symptoms. 

-What are the symptoms? 
The desire to urinate frequently and when you urinate will feel a sense of burning or discomfort. 
A slight cloudy white fluid coming out of the tip of the penis, especially when I wake up (this is different fluids with liquid cement) 
The presence of abnormal vaginal discharge, ureters or rectum 
Many people never experience any symptoms but may be infected. 
-What treatment? 
The treatment requires antibiotics that can be obtained from reproductive health clinic and the doctor's office.


Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae that infect the inner lining of the urethra, cervix, rectum and throat or the whites of the eyes (conjunctiva). 

Gonorrhea can spread through the bloodstream to other parts of the body, especially the skin and joints. 
In women, gonorrhea can rise to the genital tract and infect the lining of the pelvis causing pelvic pain and reproductive problems. 

The bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. 

In men, initial symptoms typically occur within 2-7 days after infection. 
The symptoms began as discomfort in the urethra, which a few hours later followed by pain when voiding and pus discharge from the penis. 
Patients often urinate and feel the urge to urinate, which got worse as the disease spread to the upper urethra. Hole penis looks red and swollen. 

Infection sometimes spreads through the bloodstream to 1 or a few joints, where the joints become swollen and very painful, so the movement becomes limited. 
Infection through the bloodstream can also cause red spots on the skin containing pus, fever, body discomfort or pain in several joints that move from one joint to other joints (arthritis-dermatitis syndrome). 

Infection can occur heart (endocarditis). 
Wrap liver infection (perihepatitis) can cause pain that resembles gallbladder disorders. 
Complications that occur can be overcome and rarely fatal, but the cure for arthritis or endocarditis was slow. 
Gonorrhea is usually treated with seftriakson single intramuscular injection (through the muscle) or by giving antibiotics by mouth (by mouth) for 1 week (usually given doksisiklin). 
If gonorrhea has spread through the bloodstream, patients are usually treated in the hospital and get antibiotics intravenously (through a vein, IV).

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